From This Day Forward
Wedding Officiating and Services

All images on this website and gallery page were taken by Karen Harrison and are property From This Day Forward
The rehearsal is a very important element of making certain that your wedding day is a complete success and that the ceremony is everytinhg that you have dreamed. This is the time to get the entire wedding party on the same page to ensure that your vision is brought to life.
When eloping, the rehearsal is just before the ceremony. We'll run through the ceremony so you know what to expect, then we'll do the real thing.
For more formal weddings, the rehearsal is the day/evening before. These take a bit more time. We'll go through the processional, the ceremony and the recessional. We go through who is seating the parents and where, when the wedding party comes in and where to stand, the bride and her escort, how, when, where the wine, candle and rings come in.
Every wedding has its own flavor and nuances. According to your wishes, we incorporate these in the ceremony so when it's time for the Real Thing, there are no surprises. We only have one chance to getting it right, so the reheasal is almost as important as the actual ceremony!

"..this is where you turn and hold hands..."

"If we stand over there, your photographer will have a better back drop for your pictures."

...And THEN the rings!..."
"OK! Let's try it again. Places, everyone..."

"Ladies, you're perfect!"
The ladies always seem to know what to do...

"Let's make sure it your ceremony goes just the way you want it to."

" Guys, you call this a straight line?"
The men, not so much!

"I'd say that's a wrap!"